These days, it is so common to hear people saying they do not care what others think of them, and I understand why. Considering people's negative opinions can weigh us down.
Such resistance, which comes naturally, is built in a bid to protect ourselves from pain, anger or loss of resolve. Questions like "Do you even know me?", "What do you know about it?", "Is this opinion building me?" and so many others just keep popping up in our minds, and thus we find it safer to disregard these opinions.
And other times, opinions from people who love you and have your best wishes at heart could save you from so much pain and loss. Even when they are saying 'no' to what you think is right.
Therefore, before considering someone's opinion, remember this;
Each of us is at the center of our own worlds, we are sinful and we are not always logical. Only you can fully live in the shoes in which you were born. We may share joys and sorrows but you alone can truly understand what you are going through, the only Other who understands us perfectly is the LORD, because He knows us so much better than we know ourselves. He is our creator and sustainer. And therefore His opinion should influence our actions the most.
So, when someone gives you their opinion, remember, it is with regards to their belief, knowledge, experience and generally, their world. It therefore pays to seek opinions from people who share your values and who have experience and knowledge about the matter. When we allow to receive from the overflow of their cups we grow in wisdom and avoid unnecessary pains and mistakes.
When you hear someone's opinion, ask yourself; is it honoring to God? Is it loving? wise? building? (even if it means breaking down the evil in us). Is it peacemaking? If yes, listen to this person. But if it points you towards chaos, prideful attitudes and strife, do not go down that road. Listen and choose humbly and wisely what to take in and what to leave out.
Many other opinions are neither right nor wrong. They are to do with personal tastes and preferences, here just listen respectfully and choose what you like.
Always remember that opinions are neither instructions to follow nor are they rules, they are simply people's thoughts.
Proverbs 1:5 "A wise man will hear and increase in learning, And a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel"