Wednesday 20 May 2015

Identity Crisis

Who am I? I hold this question in deep respect.. One of those questions that make you pause and think. Some of us dread who we are, especially because who we are is tied to so many things. And when these things ain't pretty, we prefer to not be identified. Others are so ready to introduce themselves because it is quite beautiful, their history and background.

We go through things in life that definitely become part of us;
Physical backgrounds determine our race, height, looks and other physical qualities.
Spiritual backgrounds determine what we believe early on in life.
Emotional backgrounds affect us in such a way as to either traumatize us or build our security.
Economic backgrounds determine our exposure and experiences.
Family backgrounds determine our social values.

All of these affect us and we may not choose what affects us but when we get to know better, we can choose how these circumstances affect us. The bad experiences need not break us, and if we are already broken, we can get up and rise above our pains or losses. Becoming better and stronger people. Open your eyes and look for it, look for the blessing that can come out of your trauma.

As we grow older and it gets easier to pave our own paths, we start building our own lives and stories, most of which will be part of the next generation. Since we have such a grand opportunity, may we make the best out of it.

All these things can change but one thing is solid, our identity in Christ. Who does Christ say we are;
Ephesians 1-3 explains fully our identity in Christ;

  • We are God's workmanship
  • Blessed
  • Chosen and adopted
  • Redeemed and saved
  • Created to do good works
  • Marked with the seal of the Holy Spirit
  • Your body is God's temple

When you believe and live by who God says you are, then you find freedom from all the bondage and baggage of the effects of a messed up background.

I too grew up in circumstances I badly wished could change, but things just got worse and worse, I was emotionally traumatized as a young adult. The pain has never left me but I have learnt to live with it. And God's strength and grace continue to see me through my weaknesses.

1 Peter 2:9 "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."