Tuesday 19 May 2015

Self Mastery

We are all born rebels(though at varying degrees), we rebel against rules... Rules make us want to rebel, naturally. That is why stolen things are sweeter(before you pay the price and start regretting!)

That is also why it is very easy to rebel against ourselves, against our own rules and principles. The man who is able to be his own master is truly a great and distinguished man.

Self mastery, Self control or Strong will mean the same thing..
Merriam-Webster defines it as the power to control one's actions, impulses or emotions. In my own language, the ability to obey oneself.

It is a very important skill as it enables you to follow through with what you decide because you are your own boss.

It is a priceless thing to conquer our bodies. To tame the tongue, for example, is the highest accomplishment one can make in self control. As it is the hardest thing to do. There are easier things though; developing good habits, exercising, sticking to a healthy diet, timekeeping, waking up early, and any other things that don't come naturally.  

These are the things we struggle with in our everyday lives. We know the benefits of following through with them but we keep failing because we keep losing our resolve time and time again, just like new year resolutions. It is okay to go off track shortly as long as you get back on. Do not give up trying.

So how is it possible to make your body obey you?
  1. Decide clearly what you want to do
  2. Do it
  3. Keep doing it (when you fall, get up and go on)
This is very easy when you do not give in to the thoughts inside you that make you procrastinate, weigh options, and strive to make you do things differently.

I have struggled for years with getting up early. I always admired 'early birds' but it was always hard for me. My sleep is sweetest at around 6 a.m. So after many attempts of trying and failing, I finally got how to do it. Set my alarm for whatever time, 4 or 5 a.m, when it goes, turn it off, sit up and get out of bed. No debating and reasoning in my head. I am my worst adviser at such moments. Now I love it, I getup before my alarm goes off  and find myself eager to wake up. No debates!

1 Corinthians 9:26-27

Therefore I run in such a way, as not without aim; I box in such a way, as not beating the air; but I discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified.

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