Wednesday 22 April 2015

Asking for Forgiveness

In that moment when we know we hurt someone, when the heart is heavy and needs to make peace, asking for forgiveness and not just saying, "I am sorry" is a golden way of restoring peace . 

Growing up, a close friend of mine was always willing to do anything else but ask for forgiveness. This many a time infuriated an offended party who cared to require the need for an apology and or in any way felt they atleast deserved it. She usually settled for making peace through any other means like sharing a snack or allowing you a cooling period. The 'I am sorry' or 'please forgive me' route was never an option. 

Through the blessing of time,I have learnt the big difference between 'I am sorry' and 'please forgive me'. Sorry is a sad feeling about something that has happened or something that has been done and forgiveness an intentional and voluntary process that involves the offended undergoing some form of change in his/her feelings and attitude towards a wrongful act or omission to act, lets go of negative emotions such as desire for revenge and bears an increased ability to wish the offender well.
In essence, sorry is how you feel about something and forgiveness is what you would like someone to do for you. So asking for one's forgiveness is the way to restore peace after hurting them.

Seeking or asking for forgiveness brings a restoration of an old order in a more defined fashion, bringing more warmth and love into a relationship, dispelling little hurts and mending  broken hearts. The 'I am Sorry' bears just an acknowledgement of a wrongful act or omission.

In life, times come when we have to ask forgiveness and not just be sorry. This should be done out of free will and the need to move on. It is a prudent thing to do so that clouds of bitterness and anger do not darken our hearts and lives. Let us learn not only to be or feel sorry about things we have done but go further and ask for forgiveness. It is a golden way of restoring peace.
A forgiving heart is a free heart.

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